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Bookmark laser cut

While laser cutting technology has been taken the bookmarking world by storm making it magical and creative! With available laser technology, today's artisans have taken the bookmark to a whole new level and brought excitement back into what had become an everyday task. These Superno laser etched coasters bookmarks are more than mere placeholders of your reading material - they tell gripping stories through the detailed decorations and distinct forms.   

Exploring Laser Cut Designs Further

The laser cuts by focusing the output of high-powered CO2 or Fiber L aser amplifiers directly unmodified to create lines and apply craft cutters similarly can with traditional cutting processes. Point is, the technology has revolutionized bookmark making as to allow for craftsmen design its surface with intricate lace patterns, elaborate architectural motifs or maybe even scenes from favorite stories. Scattered amongst them is the company's first product: a laser-cut bookmark that expands, essentially showing each created piece as its own miniature masterpiece and presumably making reading an even more transcendental affair.

Why choose Supernova Bookmark laser cut?

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